Thursday, 26 April 2012

Day 41 and 42 Week 6

Well I am home! My final total distance travelled in the 6 weeks was 10,152 miles or 16,334 kilometres. I was a bit amazed when I handed the car back that I hadn’t put a single bump, dent or scratch on it in all those crazy miles.
I kept pretty close to my guestimate of about $100 to $120 per day with only a few blowouts due mainly to accommodation charges.
I couldn’t update my blog yesterday because I couldn’t log onto the free Wi-Fi at LAX for some reason. Probably my lack of IT skills more than anything. I dropped the car back to the Car Rental people at 11.20am and then just had to hang around the terminal until the A380 left at 22.10hrs. Good thing I had a good book to read.
Overall, I did have an absolute ball. I got to see 7 Civil War Battlefields, The Little Big Horn Battlefield, Ground Zero in New York, The Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, the Hoover Dam and a million other places. I met some really great people and have a thousand photos and memories that will last a life time.  I can’t recommend a road trip across the United States highly enough. The changing cultures from one side of the country to the other is amazing. It really is an amazing country. 
By the end of the trip, I had the driving down pat.  Even driving in LA wasn’t anywhere near as difficult as it would have been 6 weeks earlier.
It is going to be difficult getting used to the price of things at home again. Not having the $1.00 per litre petrol or the $5 take away meals with endless drinks or $8.00 all you can eat buffets is going to be a bit of an adjustment.  I can't wait to get back over there again.
A big thank you to all of you who read my blog and gave me encouraging advice along the way.  I hope you got as much pleasure following my adventures as I had doing it. I definitely have the bug now and will start planning the next one soon. Not that much planning goes into my trips, it is more of a suck it and see adventure.

Remember, “Don’t regret the things you have done, regret the things you haven’t done”

Brad signing off!


  1. So, so jealous. Except for the war stuff of course

  2. Thanks Pete but they don't have a lot of Cricket stuff over there for you to look at.
